
What is Brainspotting?

Brainspotting (BSP) was discovered in 2003 by David Grand, Ph.D and is a powerful neurobased therapy approach providing a deep processing and rapid non-verbal treatment. "Where we look affects how we feel" as our eyes and brain are intricately connected, because of this, brainspotting uses the client’s field of vision, scanning for a "brainspot" or an internal spot where trauma may be stored. Brainspotting allows for the subcortical part of the brain to process through traumatic events, without re-traumatizing the client.

What can Brainspotting help with?

Brainspotting is an effective treatment for a wide variety of mental health challenges and somatic conditions. Brainspotting is particularly effective with trauma work, helping to identify and process underlying trauma that contributes to anxiety, depression, and PTSD symptoms. This neurobiological approach gives the therapist access to both the brain and body processes. Brainspotting techniques help to bypass the conscious neocortical thinking, and allows access to the deeper, subcortical emotional and body-based parts of the brain.

Watch these videos to learn more about Brainspotting! What is a Brainspot? Who does Brainspotting work with? As a client, why choose Brainspotting?